Friday, March 28, 2008

MASTER FITNESS TRAINERS (army fitness physical training)

A Master Fitness Trainer (MFT) is
a soldier who has completed either the
four-week active-component, twoweek
reserve-component, or U.S.
Military Academy’s MFT course work.
Although called “masters,” MFTs are
simply soldiers who know about all aspects
of physical fitness training and
how soldiers’ bodies function. Most
importantly, since MFTs are taught to
design individual and unit programs,
they should be used by commanders as
special staff assistants for this purpose.
Components of Fitness
Physical fitness is the ability to function
effectively in physical work, training,
and other activities and still have
enough energy left over to handle any
emergencies which may arise.
MFTs can do the following:
• Assess the physical fitness levels of
individuals and units.
• Analyze the unit's mission-related
tasks and develop sound fitness
training programs to support those
• Train other trainers to conduct sound,
safe physical training.
• Understand the structure and function
of the human body, especially
as it relates to exercise.

Army Fitness Physical Training

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